The Reasons Because Of Which I Left CVS (DU)

Life at DU(Delhi University) seems very attractive to many students, especially to those of small towns. It was fascinating for me as well, but I got familiar with the reality once I got admitted in it. On 20th of August, It will be a month since the orientation and nothing specific has been taught.
I’ve finally left that hyperbole and only a few days ago I cancelled my admission and carried my luggage to home in order to carry it somewhere else.
So, I must tell you all the reasons why I left CVS(College Of Vocational Studies).
Moreover, I assume that hardly 10-15 colleges of DU maintain a standard of educating students, rest are just for fulfilling the ephemeral pleasures of college life mostly hyped by cinema and luxury magazines.

The Reasons Because Of Which I Left CVS.

1. Teachers didn’t take the classes.

Though the teachers are really educated (that’s why they’re getting the government jobs), they didn’t take the classes. Our orientation was on 20th of July, i.e, Saturday. Our first class was supposed to be on Monday, i.e, 22nd of July. But not a single teacher took the class. I inquired in the staff room after I got to know from the seniors that this scene will go on for 15 days. One of the teachers sitting there told me that it’s true because the admission process was going on. I excused because, cutoffs run till August. I called Dad to take me home as the classes were not going on. The next day he took me home. I returned on 31st, but even then the classes were not going on. At least, all the major cutoffs had been dealt off.
I asked a trusted senior who was also in my school to which she answered that the teachers hired on ad hoc basis are more likely to teach while the teachers hired on permanent basis don’t bother to teach.
Many teachers even send the notes to a certain photocopier and asks the students to get them for themselves from there.

2. Exploitation in Societies

In that college, there were many societies, the most popular were for fashion, literature, entrepreneurship, marketing, photography, travelling, art etc. 
In entire DU, attendance is fixed at 66%. Though, it is not revealed how, but if a person is regular in working of the societies he was entitled to receive 33% of that attendance. Thus, only 33% of that attendance was supposed to be fulfilled from the classes.
As far as I understand, I didn’t join that college to join societies. I understand that extra-curricular activities are necessary, but not on the cost of education.
I went to the auditorium of our college to see the orientation of an NGO affiliated society. I didn’t see the planning committee talking anything about social welfare in any way. They along with the audience were making noises and laughing along as if, instead of some decent issue, it was a live concert going on. I left that place disgracefully.
Another disadvantage, I noticed about the societies was taking it for granted. The students of the societies were exploited. No monetary opportunities were provided.
I’ve participated in many contests in my school life but in college life, I’ve gradually picked up a different perspective. Everything, I did in school life was out of fun and for getting the exposure go hand in hand. Now, in college I’m an adult and hence I look at my passion with a professional approach.
On the orientation day itself, I watched that the students who were the members of the photography society were covering the event for free. Covering an event is a tedious task, and doing it for free is the modern day begar. Had the college outsourced this to any other team of photographers, they would have charged at least 20k. 
Exposure merely doesn’t pay for the expenses. Exposure without Compensation is Exploitation.

3. Election Promotion

On our orientation day, many seniors came in our class to introduce themselves. Some were from different societies. They claimed that they would help us so as to show gratitude to their seniors who helped them when they were freshers. Within a week I realized that it was not true.
Nothing in this world is free, you’ve to pay for everything you get either in past, present or future.
Our phone numbers were collected with which a whatsapp group was made. The seniors who made it were admins.
Soon, promotions of societies were started. Afterwards, posters of late night unofficial freshers’ parties were forwarded most of which were in lavish clubs of Hauz Khas or in Select Citywalk Mall. They had arrangements for both Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic. Isn’t it strange that seniors are promoting such habits among their juniors. The fees were no less than 800 in any of the events. I wasn’t interested so I didn’t join any.
A few of my friends started to mingle up with a bunch of seniors to get some benefits, like getting to know of societies or arranging notes and other study material beforehand or just for sounding trendy. 
Wanna know how they paid for it? They were given the posters of societies and Election campaigns to forward and put in their whatsapp and instagram stories.

4. DU is more suitable for Delhites

I believe that DU is more suitable for people living in Delhi because they get to study on almost zero expenditure. The fee of  CVS is just INR 10000 p.a. Other colleges of DU might have similar fee. While outsiders have many expenses to deal with. They have to pay for their accommodation and associated expenses which stand at around 20000-30000 per month. Living in Delhi is really expensive.
Moreover, if the classes are not going on, a Delhite can go back to his home, but an outsider has to go to his accommodation. His time and energy is wasted.
Let me tell about the conditions in which I lived there.
A room’s rent is usually INR 10000-20000 depending upon the facilities provided. The number of students living in a room divides the room. My apartment was in Sheikh Sarai. The room in which I lived was supposed to be for two as told by my landlord, but as a small town boy, I’m more habitual of more space. So I took it for myself. But this accommodation didn’t include food. For this I was supposed to walk at least 100 m away for the food. There was no security of the food. The food point owner was unable to provide the food when it rained. 
I’m habitual of having my breakfast between 8-9 A.M. They started making it from 9.30 A.M. Lunch was alright. They started preparing the dinner from 8.30 P.M which is quite late. I had to go to purchase it at 9 P.M. It’s really not safe and decent as well to roam at that time. I literally felt that the place is really not worth spending three precious years of my life there. Had I stayed longer, I would have been depressed, either physically or mentally.
Breakfast and Dinner plates cost INR 60. Lunch costs INR 50. If your keen to take individually I can suggest you the probable rates. Rice plate costs around INR 15, Roti INR 5 each, Parantha INR 20, Curries such as Paneer INR 50 and Pulses INR 30-40.
I mostly took the thalis as they were sufficient for me. If you calculate on monthly basis, they accounted for approximately INR 5000.
 Look you won’t find the taste of your home everywhere. You’ve to negotiate somewhere. I don’t like onions. I can’t control my belches after eating them. They smell too much. But when I purchased Rajma Chawal, they were made like beans added directly to the onion puree. Belches kept coming. I had to eat them forcefully. My throat choked for a while.

Apart from this, you’re supposed to wash your dishes and clothes yourself. I don’t know the laundry charges because I washed and dried my under garments, towels and kitchen clothes myself and took the remaining to home. Well! I can tell you the rates of getting your clothes ironed in the market. That’s INR 50 per pair. Shocked, no? If you’re taking your room on a shared basis, then it would be feasible for you to hire a sweeper.
The sweepress told me that she would charge INR 600 per month for cleaning my room. I thought that the room was already small. After adding all the furniture the space remained almost substantial. INR 600 were not really worth of that space. I decided to broom and mop my room myself.
You’re also supposed to pay for your electricity charges which would be at least INR 2000-3000. You also must calculate your conveyance with which you go home. Everything counts.
The total living expense is at least INR 30000.


No matter what happened but just in around 7 days I got the biggest of all experiences of my life. I cooked my own food many times. Once I cooked vermicelli, other times, I ate bread. I boiled the milk myself. Mom wasn’t there to pamper me. I peeled my fruits for the first time in life. I had to shop some grocery as well. Here, my safety was my own responsibility as my parents weren’t there to tell me. Though, it is an essential universal truth, I got to understand how and why proper food and good living conditions are important in the development of an individual.
I traveled alone for the first time in my life. I cared about my belongings in the public transport for the first time in my life. Though, living in Delhi was not peaceful, even then I got to embark on my journey to realize a new paradigm of existence and self- actualization. 
My landlord and his family was decent, so it proved a bit easier. They helped about the neighborhood. 
The reality of DU, The reality of CVS, College of Vocational Studies, Delhi University, J Pocket, Sheikh Sarai, Triveni, Chirag Delhi, Is Du worth admission, du cutoff, du result, du admission 2019,

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