This Is What Our Farewell Was Like.

This is going to be an extremely small post, because what I’m uploading can’t be expressed in words. It’s just picture based. A picture is worth a thousand words. Pictures can be seen and felt.
Day before yesterday was our school farewell. I’ll be passing out of twelfth soon. This school holds a lot of memories with me. 
I don’t have many professionally clicked pictures. All the pictures are clicked using my smartphone.
This is the stage with which I’ve been able to overcome my stage fright.
She’s the one who helped me overcome my stage fright.
Our School.
Oh! I feel as if I’m a child again.
Posing a bit is not that bad. Ain’t it?
My dearie, Akshit.
The small hall where we used to assemble as little children for prayers.

The school library I’ll be nostalgic about.

My friends Harsh and Akshit. Harsh is the person whom I’ve lectured, taunted and insulted the most; sometimes in love while sometimes in fun. But this thick skinned personality tolerated me with patience and grace. Akshit cooperated with me throughout the 11th and 12th. He is a nice person to talk with. Both have their own jokes. I guess they’re the only two of school I joke with.
Paras is the second most decent and polite student of the class. First being me. But he helped me  a lot in academics which I really appreciate.
Shiv Jindal, one more of my friends. We always talk crap, starting from us yelling each other about hairstyles yada yada yada. 

The sweetest teacher of the school.

Our school librarian ma’am. She motivated me to read more books by telling me about names of more titles.

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